Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mission Group from Gulf Coast to Report Tonight!

Seven members from First Baptist Church traveled to the Beaumont area this week to help in our Church2Church partnership with Westgate Memorial Baptist Church and the Golden Triangle Baptist Association. Don't Miss their report in the Evening Service at 6:30pm tonight. Pictures will be on the website soon!
Continue to pray for those devastated by Hurricane Ike.

Update From Vancouver - The Connection!!!

Friday, November 14, 2008]

In the midst of the spiritual battle it is sometimes easy to take victories for granted. So I want to take a few moments to publically thank God for a few wonderful answers.

As a family we are working on the habit of gathering in the evening, reading a little scripture and praying for our needs. A few days ago Adam prayed for his DS (a video game) and IPOD. He was afraid that these had been stolen when our car had been broken into. But after he prayed, he found both and we thanked the Lord. It was a small thing, but meaningful.

When a child sees an answer like that it can stir him to pray bolder prayers. So this past Wednesday night we were praying and Adam prayed that he would not need another cast. The next day, Thursday, was his next Doctor’s appointment. He was scheduled to get a new cast for several more weeks. We didn’t want to stop him from praying, but Tiffany and I knew that this was practically impossible. But when he went to the doctor yesterday she felt confident to enough to send him home without any cast at all. Another answer to prayer. God is good.

Then there was an answer of another kind.

As we’re working on the movie, Kyle and I have been praying for a way to distribute it. We have connections to some individuals who do small scale distribution but nothing that could make world wide impact. Then yesterday, out of the blue, Kyle got an email from one America’s biggest movie making companaies.We had not contacted them and knew nobody at this place. Somehow they had found us on a blog and wanted to talk to us. Kyle called them back today and found out that they were excited about the trailer and were ready to screen the movie when it is finished.

Wow! Lesson learned. God answers as we ask. He just does.

So, this evening, before you watch any TV, gather your family around and pray about your needs. You never know what might happen.

John Martens
The Connection

Monday, November 3, 2008

Church2Church Trip to the Gulf!!!

First committed to help churches in need in Gulf Coast Area after Hurricane Ike!

Bobby Cox, our interim Education Minister along with Charlie Burns will lead a group to the Gulf Coast area of Beaumont to help with the continuing recovery from Hurricane Ike. They will leave next Sunday, November 9th after morning worship. Already nine have signed up to go and help with clean-up and repairs. If you would like to go, contact the office or Bobby asap.

Praise God for the opportunity to help our brothers and sisters along the coast who have been devastated by this storm. Although the media coverage has ceased, the need is still great. Pray about going. If you cannot go, pray about giving to our support of Westgate Memorial Baptist Church and the Golden Triangle Association. We WILL hold the ropes for these fellow churches.

Thank you church for caring!!! Pastor Ken